Collaborative Governance in Risk Mitigation of Climate Change's Impact on Health


This study aims to evaluate the absence of climate change risk mitigation policies that are not yet part of the authority of the Ministry of Health despite the large potential impact of climate change on public health. The implementation of climate change risk mitigation on health intersects with various sectors, including the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. However, the Ministry of Health has still not implemented risk mitigation, which can be reflected in the absence of a climate change risk mitigation budget or what is called green budget tagging. In addition to the absence of risk mitigation in the Ministry of Health’s budgeting, the implementation of climate change risk mitigation is still lacking in inter-sectoral coordination, and the roadmap for handling climate change impacts is still being carried out by sector and has not been carried out nationally. The methodology used in this research is a qualitative approach, data collection was done by studying literature and secondary data. The results of the study indicate that collaborative governance is needed in handling the impact of climate change on health, both between ministries and institutions, the Central and local governments, as well as academics, media, and international parties.

Keywords: collaborative government, mitigation risk, climate change

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