Implementation of E-Governance to Encourage Integrated Public Services in Lebak Regency


In order to realize good governance, the application of the concept of open government that recognizes the public’s right to observe, to access information, and to participate in the development of public policy, must be implemented by the government. This study aims to solve the problem of Public Service policy that was integrated with the field of electronic management-based environment with Edward III model in Lebak regency. Qualitative methods were used in this study. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of environmental management policies in the Lebak area of Banten province were still not effective. This was due to lack of financial support, lack of coordination between the central and local governments, a low quality of human resources implementing policies, frequent changes in organizational structure and policies, and the fact that policy makers and implementers were in different agencies. The implementation of development is basically inseparable from the use of natural resources and its impact on the environment. Environmental protection and management should be considered during the implementation of the project to prevent environmental degradation and/or degradation of ecological functions. Therefore, the government should use the principles of good environmental policy to facilitate the delivery of public services to the public.

Keywords: E-Governance, environmental protection and management

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