Innovation of Community Assistance Information System (SIBAMAS) as an Economic Stimulus for SMEs Affected by Covid in Tangerang Regency


The impact of the Covid pandemic has been felt quite strongly on the economy in various regions, especially in red zone areas such as Tangerang Regency. It was reflected in Tangerang Regency’s open unemployment rate at 8.91% and its poverty rate at 5.14% in 2019. The Tangerang Regency Government launched a program to handle the economic impact, one of which was assistance to MSMEs to deal with the impact of the COVID pandemic. The Community Assistance Information System (SIBAMAS) is a tool to support the program. The problem of this research is how the Tangerang Regency government’s breakthroughs and innovations in overcoming economic problems during the pandemic are concerning these statistics. The research method uses a qualitative research approach described descriptively in a case study and user surveys to strengthen the benefits of SIBAMAS innovation. The results showed that to suppress these statistics, the Tangerang Regency government created an economic stimulus innovation for MSMEs in areas affected by Covid, which was arranged in SIBAMAS. This system makes it easier to deliver economic assistance to the community through an attractive and straightforward scheme. It is evidenced by the fact that 89.9% of people felt the benefits of increasing their income amidst the pandemic. In conclusion, the Tangerang Regency government, through Sibamas, provides convenience in distributing capital assistance, using existing applications and human resources.

Keywords: community assistance, information systems, new innovation, capital assistance, Covid pandemic

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