English for Specific Purposes, English Proficiency, and Academic Achievement in English-Medium Instruction: A Mediation Analysis


The implementation of English-Medium Instruction (EMI) at higher education institutions pose challenges for the students in achieving content mastery and improving English proficiency as the two most expected outcomes. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is designed to provide English and learning support for EMI students in achieving the EMI “dual benefits.” This study aimed to examine the relationship between ESP, English proficiency, and academic achievement of EMI students at a university in Indonesia and the mediating effect of English proficiency on the relationship between ESP and academic achievement. This quantitative study employed empirical institutional data about ESP course grades, English proficiency scores, and the overall grade point average of 246 EMI students at a faculty of social science at a state university in Indonesia. A regression analysis using a process by Hayes was performed as the analytical tool. It was found that ESP positively predicted both EMI students’ academic achievement and English proficiency. English proficiency was shown to partially mediate the relationship between ESP and the academic achievement of the EMI students. Both ESP and English proficiency is crucial in enhancing the EMI students’ disciplinary knowledge understanding. Recommendations for more collaborations and language and learningsupports and further studies are provided.

Keywords: English for Specific Purposes, English proficiency, academic achievement, English-Medium Instruction, higher education

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