The Correlation Between Emotional Dysregulation and Deliberate Self-harm Among College Students in Malang


This study aimed to examine the correlation between emotional dysregulation and self-harm behavior among college students in Malang city. The research topic was based on the phenomenon of self-harm among college students. A quantitative and descriptive correlational approach was used. The population of this sample was students from various universities in Malang who had committed acts of self-harm, a total sample of 94 college students were obtained by accidental sampling. Two instruments were used, namely Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS-18) (α = .840, n = 94) to measure emotional dysregulation and Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory (DHSI) to measure self-harm behavior (α = .818, n = 94). The result of the study showed a significance value of .000 (< .05) and a correlation coefficient of .726. Based on these results, it can be said that there is a relationship between emotional dysregulation and self-harm behavior.

Keywords: emotional dysregulation, deliberate self-harm, college students

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