The Relationship Between Hardiness and Academic Stress in XII Grade Students of X Senior High School
This study aims to examine the relationship between hardiness and academic stress during the completion of the final project in XIIth grade in students of X Senior High School. This study is based on the phenomenon of academic stress in students. One of the factors that can affect a student’s academic stress level is hardiness. This study uses quantitative research techniques with correlational descriptive methods. The study was conducted on the XIIth grade students of X Senior High School in Malang, a total of 62 students. In this study, descriptive analysis was used to reveal a description of hardiness and academic stress that has been tested in general. Data collection used a modification of the Educational Stress Scale for Adolescents (ESSA) (15 items, r = .736) and a modification of The Dispositional Resilience (Hardiness) Scale (HARDY) (27 items, r = .701). To test the hypothesis a correlation test using Pearson Product Moment correlation was used. The results of the correlation test that had been carried out using the Product Moment correlation, got a significance value of .147 which is greater than the significance of .05 or a sig > .05. These results show that H0 = accepted which means there is no correlation between the hardiness variable and the academic stress variable.
Keywords: hardiness, academic stress, student
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