The Role of Resilience in Coping with Academic Stress (A Meta-analysis Study)
In the academic world, students who have a high level of resilience, are mentally healthier, optimistic, dynamic, enthusiastic about various things in life, and more resistant to various things including stress conditions. Many studies show that high resilience will have a positive effect on student achievement. To prove these studies, we conducted a meta-analysis of a number of articles discussing the correlation between resilience and academic stress. This article presents a metaanalysis of the correlation studies that have examined the correlation between resilience on academic stress. The result of a meta-analysis on 17 studies from 4194 subjects shows that resilience is negatively correlated to academic stress (r = -.503). The difference in the variance of correlation can, among others, be caused by sampling error (6.122%) and error in measurement of independent and dependent variables (1.449%). The results indicated that resilience negatively influences academic stress.
Keywords: meta-analysis, resilience, academic stress
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