The Relationship Between Peer Social Support and Resilience in State University of Malang Students Affected by Distance Learning


This study aimed to examine the relationship between peer social support and resilience of the State University of Malang students affected by Distance Learning. This study employed quantitative research techniques with a descriptive correlational design. The study’s population consists of Malang State University students who have experienced or are currently experiencing Distance Learning. The subjects used were calculated using Isaac and Michael’s table with a 5% error rate, obtaining a sample of 345 people. Accidental sampling is a sampling technique used by researchers to collect data using a Likert scale model with the development of the Interpersonal Social Evaluation List (ISEL) Scale and the Connor and Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). The research analysis used descriptive analysis techniques and Pearson’s Product Moment correlation data analysis. The results revealed that there was a significant positive relationship between the two variables with a value (r) of .705 and sig. (p) of .00 < .05.

Keywords: social support, resilience, distance learning

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