Restorative Justice in the Application of Criminal Law


Restorative justice in accordance with the Pancasila way of life. Restorative justice in criminal law is an alternative for resolving criminal cases through a mediation process. Deliberation by involving the criminal acts, victim, family, and other related parties to jointly create a fair agreement between the perpetrator and the victim for the restoration of the situation as before. This research uses normative juridical, namely by reviewing or analyzing legal materials, especially primary legal materials and secondary legal materials by understanding law as a set of positive rules or norms in Indonesia. Restorative justice has been regulated in the Draft Criminal Code which is a hope that will come true. The position of the Criminal Code which is a general provision for criminal legislation outside the Criminal Code will make the position of restorative justice stronger because it will become a benchmark for law enforcement officers to carry out their duties.

Keywords: restorative, justice, criminal law

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