Evaluating M-Learning Activities Using SAMR Model and Students' Writing Skills


Evaluating M-Learning Activities Using SAMR Model and Students' Writing SkillsThis study examines (i) the use of mobile technology (Padlet, Animoto, and Sway) in teaching English to non-English department students by evaluating the M-learning activities using the SAMR model and (ii) students’ writing competence using the CEFR model. The subjects of this study were 152 second-semester students of the primary education department. In this qualitative descriptive research, data were collected through questionnaires, observation, and documentation. The results show that: (i) Padlet is categorized to substitution, augmentation, and modification classification, while Animoto and Sway are categorized to substitution classification; and (ii) the percentages for students’ writing ability levels were 60.52% for basic user A1, 31.57% for basic user A2, and 7.89% for independent user B1 after they joined the class using various applications.

Keywords: SAMR model, Padlet, Animoto, Sway, writing skill, CEFR

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