Using a 30-cm Mortar Molding Machine to Increase the Productivity of Pottery Craftmen in Mayong Lor Village, Jepara, Central Java


As part of the community service program between Muria Kudus University and pottery craftsmen in Mayong Lor Village, Jepara, Central Java, a 30-cm mortar molding machine was provided to the craftsmen with an aim to increase the production of 30-cm diameter mortar – a leading local product in Mayong Village area – as well as a means of educating craftsmen on their product development. This article discusses the 30-cm diameter mortar production process before and after the use of the molding machine and describes the prototype of the 30-cm molding machine. The authors conclude that the 30-cm diameter mortar molding machine can help craftsmen to ease the mortar production. The production of mortar per day increases after using the molding machine.

Keywords: mortar molding machine, pottery craftsmen, productivity

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