SWOT Analysis as a Basis for Tracking Business Opportunities in the City of Pematangsiantar


This study aims to determine the strengths, opportunities, threats, and business barriers faced by Pematangsiantar City, as well as how the business policies carried out by the Pematangsiantar City government in developing MSMEs. Approachqualitative with the phenomenological method used in this research, Research samples is all sub-district and village heads and key informants. The data source used is primary data and secondary data. The flow of research with an interactive cycle process. The research results obtained strength that characterizes the city including its strategic location making Pematangsiantar City a transit city, as a tourist attraction and culinary center as well as the number of leading MSMEs and MSME sectors. Weaknesses include market access, promotion, capital, and availability of raw materials. Opportunities include the development of national tourism, the Sei Mangkei industrial area, the construction of the Siantar-Medan toll road. Threats include limited knowledge regarding aspects of entrepreneurship, domestic competition pressures, and business equipment. The development of the potential of Pematangsiantar city can be carried out in the tourism and culinary tourism sector which can attract tourists who are going on vacation to the Lake Toba Tourism Destination Area. The role of the Government is needed to exploit this potential through several policies that can be taken by the Government.

Keywords: Strengths; Weaknesses; Opportunities; Threats; MSMEs

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