Click CWLS as a Solution to Improve Community's Understanding of Sukuk Linked Sukuk Cash Products


The Indonesian government has issued an innovative Islamic philanthropy-based sharia investment product in the form of Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS). This study aims to: (1) Analyze the level of public understanding of CWLS. (2) Provide solutions to improve community literacy related to CWLS. (3) Provide a digital platform design that makes it easier for the public to access information and to buy CWLS products. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Sources of data are primary data obtained from a questionnaire of 101 millennial Muslim samples in Yogyakarta and secondary data obtained from literature studies. The results of the study are (1) the understanding of the Muslim community in Yogyakarta regarding CWLS is still very low at 17.8%. (2) the use of social media and influencers to increase public literacy related to CWLS products. (3) Click CWLS as a digital platform that is integrated in Islamic banking mobile banking to access information about CWLS and to buy CWLS products easily and practically.

Keywords: Cash Waqf Link Sukuk; Literacy; Digital Platform

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