The Effect of Sharia Financial Literacy on the Decision of the Use of Service Products in the Sharia Pawn in Yogyakarta


This study discusses to analyze the influence of Islamic financial literacy on the decision to use Islamic financial product services. The diverse educational backgrounds, ages, and occupations of students make them need literacy guidance to make decisions in choosing sharia pawn products that are suitable for the family’s financial needs. The population in this study is Sharia Pawn in Sariharjo, Yogyakarta. Data in the form of primary data using questionnaires and distributed as many as 111 results. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. This research is a quantitative study with data analysis methods using multiple linear regression. The results showed that Islamic finance affects decisions in the use of service products in Islamic pawn where the coefficient of determination (R2) is 83.4%, which means 83.4% of the variation in the decision to use products in sharia pawn following 3 supporting variables such as Knowledge and Understanding of Managing Finance (X1), Expertise and Skills in Managing Finance (X2), and Beliefs or Belief in Sharia Pawn (X3). While the remaining 16.6% was approved by other variables not approved in this study.

Keywords: Sharia Financial Literacy; Sharia Pawn; Customer Decision

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