Speech Acts in Balines Online News


This study aimed to analyze the types, forms, functions, and meanings of speech acts in Balinese online news on the Youtube Bali TV channel. The data for this research was taken from Youtube channel Bali TV for the period 2020 until 2021. The data sources were written text included in the description of the YouTube channel Bali TV taken randomly (random sampling). This type of research is qualitative descriptive method. Data were collected by employing documentation, note-taking, and observation method. The result of this study showed that types of speech act used in description in Balinese online news on the Youtube Bali TV channel, were direct speech acts, indirect speech acts, literal direct speech acts, and non-literal direct speech acts. In addition, several speech act functions were found which were described as follows: assertive functions, directive functions, commissive functions, expressive functions, and declarative functions.

Keywords: Balinese language, Bali TV channel, online news, speech acts, Youtube

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