English Used by the Teachers of Cheeky Monkeys Learning School in Sanur


Language is an integral part of the human condition; without it, communication is impossible. Someone must communicate with others using language. Language is a type of communication that can be written or spoken to express something. The purpose of this study was to determine the type of language function, expressions used, and the grammatical aspects used by teachers. The research method used to write this paper was broken down into three steps. Data collection, data analysis, and data source. The researcher concluded after analyzing all the data that there are ten language functions that appear in conversations with their students. The ten functions were: greeting, giving information, receiving information, requesting, suggesting, offering something, refusing, apologizing, thanking, and saying goodbye in English. When teaching in the classroom, the teachers used formal language expressions and a polite demeanor. The majority of them expressed the English function grammatically. They did not use many neutral, less formal, or impolite expressions when communicating with the students.

Keywords: teacher, language function, school

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