English Language Functions Used by Butlers at Pandawa Beach Villas & Spa


English is an international language that is expected to be well-versed in. It can be learned and mastered in school or at a training facility. This paper looked at the different types, functions, and expressions of English used by Butler at Pandawa Beach Villas and Spa. The theories used in this study were those proposed by Blundell and Higgens (1983) in their book Function in English, the second theory proposed by Jones (1981) in his book Function of English, and the supporting theory proposed by Bruce Tillit and Mary Newton Bruders (1985) in their book Speaking Naturally. The research method was broken down into three parts: data source, data collection, and data analysis. Butler staff served as respondents in the study, and the data were collected using a note-taking technique that recorded the conversation between the guest and the butlers. The theory was used to analyze the data. The analysis revealed that the butler was able to communicate with the guest. The butlers used the English functions greeting, asking length of stay, giving price, offering help, requesting, asking for permission, getting information, giving information, apologizing, and thanking to communicate with the guests.

Keywords: sociolinguistic, language function, Butlers at Pandawa Beach Villas & Spa

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