Ecolexicon and Ecotext of Bale Sangkep in Green School Bali


Ecolinguistics examines the whole nature of the relationship between language and the environment which is an expression of the entire reality of human life. GSB is an educational environment that preserves nature with the concept of local wisdom with a natural perspective. Lexicons derived from local, national, and global languages are widely used in naming buildings, academic activities, and daily activities. This study aimed to describe the ecolexicon and ecotext found in the bale sangkep in GSB. There were 2 research focuses, first, to describe the form, meaning, and grammatical categories of the ecolexicon; second, to describe the tridimensional ecotext social praxis found in the bale sangkep in GSB. The research was conducted with a descriptive approach with qualitative methods. Data collection is done through observation, documentation, and interview methods. The data were analyzed by applying the identity method and the distributional method. The results of the study showed that there are 89 lexicons related to the bale sangkep GSB. Lexicons are identified based on grammatical categories, meanings, and the existence of their environment. The total lexicons found were 69 lexicons which categorized as nouns consisted of 19 nouns in the form of basic words, 3 nouns in the form of derivatives, 1 noun which is a compound word, and 46 other noun lexicons in the form of noun phrases. Meanwhile, the other 20 lexicons were lexicons categorized as verbs, where 1 lexicon is a basic verb, and 19 lexicon is a derivative verb. The tridimensional of the ecotext were viewed from: the biological dimension, the speaker’s understanding of the physical entity of the lexicon; sociological dimension, the closeness of speakers through the use and way of implementing the lexicon entity; and ideological dimensions, collective relations, cognitive and psychological systems of speakers in the form of beliefs and beliefs about lexicon references. It can be concluded that this study reveals the richness of the lexicon in GSB as supporting data for ecolinguistics.

Keywords: ecolinguistics, ecolexicon, ecotext, Bale sangkep, grammatical category, social practice

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