Discourse Structure of Food Product Advertisement on Television


Advertising discourse differs from other genres of text because advertisements are supposed to attract public attention and interest. The macro structure, superstructure, and microstructure of food product advertisements on Indonesian television are investigated using Van Dijk’s (2009) discourse theory. This study used a qualitative research method design to achieve these goals. The data analysis revealed that at the macro structure level of food product advertisements on Indonesian television, the writer’s ideology is to invite and persuade the public to purchase the advertised product using various word forms, including figurative languages. Each advertisement is organized and systematic at the superstructure level, beginning with the introduction, body, closing, and conclusion. Each advertisement’s text is constructed with great attention to semantic and syntactic aspects at the microstructure level. Background, detail, and purpose are included in the semantic aspect, while the syntactic aspect includes the relationships between ideas from one sentence to the next and from one paragraph to the next to create a complete message presentation (cohesion and coherence). As a result, grammatical and lexical cohesion are manifestations of the cohesive element. Advertising is a type of manipulative communication tool that employs lingual forms and strict diction to pique the public’s interest and attention. Further research is expected to investigate semantic aspects of advertising discourse texts using a larger number of data sources than the five types of advertisements used in this study, and to investigate changes in the way advertising texts are composed as a result of societal changes.

Keywords: advertisement, food product, discourse structure, television

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