Code-Mixing Used in The Vlog on The Sacha Stevenson YouTube Channel


This research was mainly aimed at finding out the types and the factors of code-mixing in the Vlog on the Sacha Stevenson YouTube Channel. Sacha Stevenson YouTube channel was chosen because there are various types of code-mixing used in the videos. The data were collected from the vlogs on the Sacha Stevenson YouTube channel by using the observation method. After the videos were found, the data were collected by watching and carefully listening to every speech in the videos. A note-taking technique was conducted when collecting the data. Then the data of code-mixing were recapped in the form of tables to make the next process easier. Then it is classified and analyzed based on the theory of code-mixing proposed by Muysken in his book entitled Bilingual Speech: A Typology of Code-Mixing (2000). To present the data, the informal method was used in presenting the data that was applied by providing explanations to describe and analyze the problems of code-mixing found in the data source. The result of this research shows that there are three main types of code-mixing found in the vlog on the Sacha Stevenson YouTube channel, they are insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization. The code-mixing that occurs is caused by nine factors; perception of the interlocutor’s language background, language dominance, language attitude, psycholinguistic motivation, mixing in a highly accessible word or phrase, the participant roles and relationship, the social context, the topic, and the emotional factor.

Keywords: sociolinguistic, code-mixing, factors, types

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