Code Mixing Used in Instagram Account's Vj. Daniel


Code mixing is a sociolinguistic phenomenon that occurs when people speak in more than one language and use code. This study investigated the different types and factors of code-mixing used by Vj Daniel’s Instagram account. The goal of this study was to discover the different types of code mixing used in Vj Daniel’s Instagram account, as well as the factors that led to code mixing. Furthermore, this was a field study that employed both qualitative and descriptive methods. The data sources were taken from Vj Daniel’s caption on Instagram. There were two steps in the data collection process. To begin, read the caption on Vj Daniel’s Instagram account carefully, several times, and thoroughly to grasp the content. Second, take note of the data that has been mixed with content code. To find the types of code mixing and the factors that caused code mixing, library research was used in the analysis of the data. According to the findings, there were three types of code mixing discovered in Vj Daniel’s Instagram account: insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization. Perception of the interlocutor’s linguistic background, Language dominance, Language attitude, Psycholinguistic motivation: closing lexical gaps, and finally, mixing in a highly accessible word or phrase are the factors that cause code mixing.

Keywords: Code Mixing, Base, Instagram Account, Vj.Daniel, Sosiolinguistics

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