Using Audiovisual Media for Improving the Reading Comprehension Ability of Elementary Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sidoarjo, Indonesia


This study analyzed the reading comprehension ability of grade-four students at SDN Kepunten before and after implementing the audiovisual media during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study used a qualitative design with a descriptive approach in the form of a case study. Data were collected via interviews, observation, and documentation. The collected data were analyzed through data reduction, presentation, and verification, and by concluding. The findings of this study revealed that audiovisual media is indeed beneficial in developing fourth-grade students’ reading comprehension skills during the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers and students generally use WhatsApp as an online learning communication tool at all stages, namely, the planning, implementing (comprising initial, core, and closing activities), and closing (evaluation) stages.

Keywords: audio visual media, reading comprehension

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