The Role of Principal's Participatory Leadership in Increasing Creativity among Islamic Religious Education Teachers


With the sudden outbreak of COVID-19, the education system around the world began to weaken due to the social-distancing and remote learning policies, forcing schools and teachers to constantly look out for new and innovative methods of teaching and learning. In such scenarios, the principal’s participatory leadership is a persuasive way of leading by creating harmonious collaboration between staff and students, while some creative teachers can take advantage of Google Workspace technology which is integrated with the Android application as a solution. The purpose of this research was to form a learning process that can create an active, creative, effective, and fun atmosphere. Several previous research results have shown that the principal’s participatory leadership and teachers’ creativity were low in Indonesia. To overcome this problem, the researchers conducted a systematic literature review by documenting and reviewing all articles on the related topics published between 2010 and 2021. In total, 23 articles were accessed from DOAJ, Google Scholar, and The results of the studied articles discussed principals’ participatory leadership and teacher creativity. Several studies had shown that the principal’s participatory leadership communication approach and teacher creativity can increase the effectiveness of learning and increase active student learning motivation, thereby improving students’ critical, creative, and innovative thinking and entrepreneurial skills.

Keywords: principal’s participatory leadership, Islamic religious education teacher creativity

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