The Urgency of Understanding the Verses of Mutasyabihat Lafdziyyah for Learning Tahfidz Al-Quran


Mutasyabihat lafdziyyah verses are verses that are similar to lafadz used in the Quran. Students usually have difficulty in memorizing and reciting the mutasyabihat lafdziyyah verses which are characterized by a fall in the voice and several doubts faced by students during the recitation or when jumping between the poems or letters. Understanding the mutasyabihat lafdziyyah verses in the juz 30 of the Qur’an directly impacts students learning ability of the juz 30 of the tahfidz al-Quran. The purpose of this study was to (i) understand the verses of mutasyabihat lafdziyyah in the juz 30 of the Qur’an and (ii) minimize students’ mistakes and doubts when reciting or memorizing the juz 30 of the Qur’an, especially when encountering mutasyabihat lafdziyyah. The study used a systematic literature review design by documenting and reviewing articles related to mutasyabihat lafdziyyah verses, the problems of the tahfidz al-Quran, and the tahfidz method. All articles used in the study were published during 2012–2021 and accessed from, DOAJ, and Google Scholar. It was found that understanding the verses of mutasyabihat lafdziyyah had a direct effect on the quality of student memorization. By understanding the mutasyabihat lafdziyyah verses in the juz 30, students memorized better and mistakes and doubts were increasingly minimized when reciting or during the examinations.

Keywords: Mutasyabihat Lafdziyyah verses, the problems of Tahfidz al-Quran, Tahfidz method

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