Developing Digital Literacy Skill for Initial Teacher Education through Digital Storytelling


Studies have proven that the use of digital storytelling in classrooms positively impacts the teaching and learning processes. Considering the varied educational needs, digital stories can be used for a variety of purposes. Therefore, using digital storytelling in practicum activities, the current study aimed to analyze teachers’ perception on and experience with the process, including concept selection, preparation, and execution of the digital story. The research was carried out using multiple holistic case designs. The study group consisted of six Initial Teacher Education (ITE) courses with varying levels of technology disposition. Data were collected through observation, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis, followed by collective analysis of the data was done. The findings were organized around two key themes: digital storytelling as a teaching tool and digital stories as a technology for teachers. The findings were examined in terms of the benefits of employing digital stories in instructional activities, as well as the dimensions that need to be improved, digital story constraints, and digital literacy. The current research has uncovered some information regarding the benefits of employing digital storytelling in practicum activities – which aspects of them should be developed and which ones should be avoided? This study recommends using digital storytelling in classroom teaching and learning processes.

Keywords: digital storytelling, practicum activities, Initial Teacher Education (ITE) course

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