The Effect of Work From Home on Teachers' Performance


This study analyzed the influence of work from home and work environment on the performance of primary school teachers using online media as the intervening variable in the Lamongan Regency of Indonesia. This research used a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to the study participants that comprised all elementary school teachers registered with the Dapodik, Lamongan Regency. The sample was determined using a simple random sampling method and data were processed using the PLS. The convergent validity in the measurement model could be seen through the cross-loading values in the results. A measurement item was said to be valid if its cross-loading value was >0.7, and that value was greater than the cross-loading values of other constructs. The R-Square value of the performance was 0.384. Therefore, 38.4% of teachers’ performance was affected by WFH, work environment, and online media while the remaining 61.6% was influenced by other variables outside the studied model. Likewise, the R-Square value for online media was 0.294, this explains that online media was relatively affected by WFH and work environment (29.4%) but largely by other variables outside the studied model (70.6%).

Keywords: WFH, work environment, performance, online media

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