Development of Experiential Learning through Vocational Education at Al-Amien Islamic Boarding School, Prenduan Sumenep


This article examines the role of Islamic boarding schools in improving the quality of education by opening and operating vocational high schools. The research objective was to know and explain the development model of the vocational high school at Al Amien Islamic boarding school, Prenduan Sumenep, Indonesia. A qualitative with phenomenology research design was used. Data were gathered through observation, in-depth interview, and documentation and then analyzed using data reduction and data display, and by concluding. The research subjects were students, teachers, leaders, and developers of the cooperation of Al Amien Islamic boarding school. The findings revealed that (i) Rihlan Iqtishadiyah [economy comparison study] was essential to analyze and study deeply the theory and practice followed by various educational systems to know and find similarities; (ii) Reward baketram, which translates to an appreciation and reward on effort, achievement, and creativity, should be incorporated as a part of the vocational skill-building program; and (iii) industry work practice program allowed students to sharpen their talents and skills through the integration of concept, idea, and experience immediately.

Keywords: vocational education, experiential learning, industry work practice

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