Principal's Role in Developing Educators' Pedagogical and Social Competencies


The principal as a head of an institution is responsible for realizing student learning activities and creating a harmonious environment. Teachers play a vital role in the process of education and are constantly required to build on their skills. Yet many teachers in Indonesia are still lacking the required academic and social competencies. This study explored the principal’s strategy for developing teachers’ academic and social competencies in Indonesian schools. The researchers carried out a systematic literature review by documenting and reviewing all related articles published during 2015–2021 on DOAJ,, and PSI. The 25 selected studies examined four teacher competencies, including the pedagogical and social competencies. It was found that teachers’ pedagogical and social competencies such as their technical, human, and conceptual skills improved following an effective training strategy by the principals.

Keywords: principal’s strategy, pedagogical competence, social competence

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