Blended Learning in Elementary Schools


The COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged educators all over the world to integrate technology with their usual teaching methodologies. The physical-distancing policies forced schools in Indonesia to adapt to online learning with the aid of technology. However, with the decline in the number of positive cases, the government of Indonesia has directed schools to adopt blended learning. Blended learning is an integrated form of learning, combining face-to-face learning with the online and remote study. The current study examined the effectiveness, advantages, and disadvantages of blended learning implementation in the elementary schools of Indonesia. Researchers conducted a systematic literature review by documenting and reviewing related articles published between 2018 and 2021and accessed from Google Scholar and Science Direct. Results showed that blended learning was largely effective during the COVID-19 pandemic and is a step forward from the 21st -century standpoint. However, a successful blended learning implementation requires supporting applications and cooperation between teachers, students, and parents.

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