The Analysis of Characteristics of the Metal Industry As One of the Main Sectors in the Tegal District


The metal industry plays a strategic role in the Tegal District’s economy. The BPS data for 2020 showed that the industrial sector had the second-highest job absorption reaching 127,894, after the trade sector. In addition, the manufacturing industry was recorded as one of the most significant contributors to the PRDB of the Tegal District in 2019, reaching 34.60%. Given the importance of the metal industry, a study was needed to reveal the characteristics of the industry in the Tegal District. Thus, this study aimed to determine the current conditions and obstacles faced by metal industry players in the Tegal District. The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative. Data were collected through structured interviews with 33 metal industry players. The results showed that there were 8 metal industries in the underdeveloped, 21 in the developing, and 4 in the advanced categories. Moreover, the key factors and variables in the search have also revealed the weaknesses and strengths of the metal industries in the Tegal District.

Keywords: analysis, characteristics, metal, industries

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