Child-friendly Website-based Madrasah E-Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic


The Madrasa e-learning is a child-friendly online learning platform that is free and user-friendly. The platform provides comprehensive content and has more features than any other similar platform. The COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected the education industry; as a result, online learning systems were implemented by the government of Indonesia at all levels of education. Digital media has become an essential source for student learning; however, its unrestricted and easy access can have adverse effects on students, particularly those at the elementary level. Therefore, a learning platform that is child-friendly and suitable for teachers and parents accompanying the students should be selected. A systematic literature review of all articles on online learning applications published between 2015 and 2021 was conducted. The articles were accessed from SINTA, DOAJ, Scimago,, and Scopus. The results indicated that while the existing online learning platforms did facilitate children’s learning needs, little attention was paid to the other features that were completely irrelevant to the development of elementary school students. Besides, teachers are required to use these platforms as available with no room for creativity and innovation in learning. The madrasa e-learning platform on the other hand allows teachers to integrate their design so the teaching and learning process is more structured, innovative, interactive, and exciting for students. Parents are calmer in monitoring and supervising children during the classes as all of their children’s learning needs are in one single place.

Keywords: Website-based madrasa e-learning; a child-friendly platform for online learning

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