Students' Character Building in Islamic Full-day Elementary School


The current globalization of information is becoming a concerning issue for parents across the world. Their anxiety is not without reason, as children can now access any information with a touch of a screen. However, reckless use of technology can damage their spirit and state of mind. Therefore, the current study was conducted to determine the implementation of character building in an Islamic full-day elementary school. The method used was a systematic literature review of related articles published during 2017–2021. The papers were obtained from and Google Scholar websites. With a full-day learning system, character formation and development were fostered through habituation during the teaching and learning process, such as reading prayers before and after the teaching and learning activities, memorizing short letters, and implementing Dhuha, Dhuhr, and Asr prayers in the congregation. Additionally, participation in intra- and extracurricular activities such as scouting, cultural arts, and sports were encouraged.

Keywords: character building, Islamic elementary school, full-day school

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