The Use of Online Muhasabah to Improve Discipline and Honesty of Students in Worship


The social distancing policies brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, with no direct classroom interactions, have disrupted students’ prayer routine, especially that of the five daily prayers. Many teachers have therefore resorted to Google Workspace as a solution to this. The general purpose of this research was to instill discipline and honesty in students, while the specific goal was to encourage them to follow diligently the five daily prayers. The researchers conducted a systematic literature review by documenting and reviewing all articles related to improving student discipline and honesty published from 2014 to 2021. In total, 19 articles from national and international accredited journals were obtained from DOAJ, Google Scholar, and lens. These articles examined students’ discipline, honesty, and the role of parents and teachers therein. Several studies showed that periodical reminders by teachers and preparing a student worship checklist by parents can help reinstate students’ prayer and worship routine.

Keywords: online muhasabah, discipline, student honestyonline muhasabah, discipline, student honesty

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