The Effect of School Principals' Leadership Styles on the External Quality Assurance System's Improvement


Principal leadership in an institution is accompanied by heavy duties and responsibilities. As a leader, the principal must be adept in all fields such as management, policymaking, socializing, and motivating students. The leadership style of a principal is key to the success of an institution. Thus, a systematic literature review was conducted by formulating problems; searching for literature; extracting, filtering, and analyzing the data; assessing the quality; and reporting the findings. Data were obtained from Google Scholar, Research Gate, SINTA, JAMP, and Academia. Finally, 27 articles on relevant topics published between 2015 and 2021 were selected. The results of these studies showed that the leader largely determines the failure and success of an institution in playing his role, so a democratic, innovative, effective, dynamic, and transformational leadership style can improve the external quality assurance system.

Keywords: principal’s leadership style, external quality assurance system

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