Management of Counseling and Skill-building Services for Junior High School Students


Guidance and counseling services in schools help students develop their potential and overcome personal and peer-related issues. Studies have shown a general lack of learning motivation in students, which further lowers their interest in learning. Thus, the current study explored the development of learning interest in students and motivating them in the process. A personality potential test was conducted to see the students’ abilities, followed by continued mapping of specialization classes based on their potential. Because this study was conducted at an Islamic boarding school that has introduced new specialization courses, which include specialized classes in Arabic, English, Tahfidzul Qur’an, and Entrepreneur, researchers realized that students’ abilities and their development vary according to their skills. The method used in this research was documenting, reviewing all articles, analyzing, determining the focus of the topic of scientific work, collecting data from several pieces of literature relevant to the subject, and then drawing conclusions. In total, 25 articles from national and international accredited journals published between 2014 and 2021 were obtained from Google Scholar, Science Direct, Sinta, and, however, only 18 articles relevant to the topic were used. The results indicated that counseling and skill-building services produce students who are graceful in character and excel in work.

Keywords: management counseling guidance services, skills building

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