The Relationship between the Use of Active, Innovative, Creative, and Fun Learning Techniques and Online English Learning by Multidisciplinary Students


This research aimed to investigate the use of active, innovative, creative, effective, and fun learning techniques for teaching English online to multidisciplinary students. It was observed that most students would keep their cameras off during the online English class. Thus, a case study using a qualitative approach was designed by the researchers. The subjects in this research were high-school students from 12th grade and data were collected through observation and interview with an English teacher at the school. The validation of data was done through the triangulation technique. The results showed that the use of active, innovative, creative, effective, and fun learning techniques such as animation media, PowerPoint, Padlet, YouTube, and encouraged the students in turning on their cameras, focusing on the teacher, cooperating with peers, making positive statements, and taking risk wisely. Therefore, it was found that the use of active, innovative, creative, and fun learning techniques are effective in teaching English to multidisciplinary students online.

Keywords: active, innovative, creative, effective and fun learning, multidisciplinary, online learning English

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