Analysis of Interactive Application Development as a Tahfidz Al Quran Learning Strategy


Hafidz al Quran is the desire of every Muslim. Many Islamic educational institutions ranging from elementary schools to universities are vying to make the lessons of tahfidz al Quran as a flagship program. Hafidz al Quran is not easy, many people fail, forget, are tired, lazy, and even desperate. This is because the learning process is less innovative, monotonous, boring, inefficient, and unattractive to students. The purpose of this research was to conduct a systematic literature review on developing interactive applications especially for the learning of tahfidz al Quran. Data were collected by reviewing all articles related to interactive applications published between 2015 and 2021. In total, 19 articles from national and international journal were selected from Google Scholar and Interactive applications are software that contains text, images, sounds, animations, and videos. The software is packaged into apps that can be installed and operated on Android smartphones, laptops, and computers. The results of this study examined the need for software, design, movie clip, and testing. It was found that several selected studies had shown that the development of interactive applications in the form of software, design, movie clip, and testing can be used as a learning strategy for tahfidz al-Quran to improve memorization.

Keywords: interactive application, Tahfidz al Quran

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