Job Data Formulation Analysis in the Research and Development Agency of East Java


The Job Analysis program is used to gather data in a systematic manner and make decisions about all relevant information for a particular job. The aim of this research was to examine how Job Analysis has been used in the East Java Province Research and Development Agency’s Personnel Management Team. This article was written in a descriptive style with a qualitative perspective. The number of human resources activities was calculated using the Job Analysis results. Due to a lack of staff management positions, the absence of a Job Analysis Implementation Team, and an incomplete Job Analysis Form that had not been updated to comply with current regulations, the study’s findings demonstrated that the Job Analysis implementation process was not completed correctly. The authors used Permenpan No. 1 of 2020 as a guideline to compile information on the position of personnel manager. Based on this, the authors recommend that the Sub Division of Administration in Balitbang Province East Java hire one personnel manager, in addition to re-conducting Job Analysis activities using PerMenPANB no. 1 of 2020 as a guideline to ensure that future Job Analysis data is neatly and comprehensively structured.

Keywords: Job Analysis, human resources staff

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