Developing a Conceptual Prototype for Teaching English as a Foreign Language Based on Local Culture


Lumajang Regency, East Java, Indonesia, is known as a tourist destination, everyone is expected to be able to provide correct information to foreigners about Lumajang Regency, so that they will not lose the opportunity to get a job in the field of tourism, public service agencies and government related to tourism. Thus, the importance of maintaining local culture in teaching foreign languages should not be ignored. The researcher aims to develop a conceptual prototype for teaching English as a foreign language based on local culture. A conceptual prototype means a standard or typical example which is designed lessons that focus on the concept instead of individual facts. The significances of the study are to describe the factors that become obstacles in teaching English at STKIP PGRI Lumajang and describe the conceptual prototype developed in the process of learning English towards local culture. This research is a qualitative descriptive study on STKIP PGRI Lumajang students and the sample selection used a multi-stage sampling technique. The data generated are conceptual prototypes of learning English in universities which containing English competency standards, basic competencies, materials that must be taught to achieve competence, approaches, methods/strategies, and assessments used to assess student competence in learning English.

Keywords: conceptual prototype, local culture, competence

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