Analysis of Disaster Response in AIR Force Hospital Dr. M. Salamun West Java


To ensure adequate preparation for disasters, every hospital must have a Disaster Planning Guideline for emergency responses. The main objective of this research was to analyze the disaster emergency response system at air force hospital Dr. M. Salamun in terms of input, process, and output aspects. This research is descriptive qualitative. The informants of this study were the management team who contribute directly to hospital policy. Data collection is done through in-depth interview techniques, observation, and document review. Data was analysed with the content validity and triangulation. Ther study determined that the hospital was not yet adequately prepared for the full range of potential disasters. The disaster prevention management plan, operational plans, and plans recovery are largely restricted to dealing with fire hazards, while other natural disasters are not yet fully accounted for. The responsible of implementing the emergency response was handled by Hygiene Safety Environmental (HSE) officer. Based on the observation Air Force Hospital Dr. M. Salamun in general is quite adequate to resolve disaster respond. Periodic evaluation and monitoring are needed both in the planning and implementation stages of disaster management both internally and externally, so as to reduce losses due to potential disasters.


Keywords: Hospital, disasters. System of management, input, proses, output, qualitative.

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