The Relationship Between Case Manager Competence and Nurse Burnout in Indonesia


This study aims to identify the relationship between case manager competency and nurse burnout in Indonesia. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 235 nurses in three hospitals located in Jakarta and Tangerang. The questionnaire used in this study comprise of: demographic data; General Self Efficacy Scale; Nurse Manager Competency Scale; and Oldenburg Burnout Inventory. Most respondents experienced emotional exhaustion and disengagement. The case manager’s competence reported low. Analysis showed that the case manager’s competence in actuating, communication, and problem-solving associated with nurse burnout. Direction, communication competency, and problem-solving competency of the case manager may reduce the burnout of nurse executor. Improving the competence of nurse manager is very important in order to reduce nurse burnout.


Keywords: burnout, case manager, managerial competencies, work environment

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