Risk Factors Of Preeclampsia Among Pregnant Women In Indonesia


Preeclampsia is the second highest cause of maternal death in Indonesia. The incidence of preeclampsia in Indonesia is very high at 24%. West Java is a province in Indonesia with a high preeclampsia rate of 25%. Predisposing factors include preeclampsia including age. Health Research Data (2010) shows that the percentage of early marriage aged <20 years is still high at 46.7% and marriage age> 35 years at 0.6%. Objectives This study aims to determine the relationship between age and the incidence of preeclampsia at Dustira Hospital in Cimahi City. This study was conducted using the correlation with the case control approach. The population in this study was 130 postpartum mothers treated at Dustira Level II Hospital. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a total of 24 for the preeclampsia group and 24 for the non-preeclampsia group. The data collected is secondary data collected by observing the medical record book. The research instrument uses a checklist sheet. The study was conducted in June 2019 at Dustira City II Kindergarten Hospital Cimahi. Univariate analysis uses frequency distribution and bivariate uses chi-square. Univariate test results showed that the incidence of preeclampsia was mostly experienced by pregnant women with age at risk of 58.3%. Bivariate test results showed a p value of 0.007 (α <0.05) and OR 7 (95% CI: 1.822-26.887) meaning that there was a relationship between age and the incidence of preeclampsia, and mothers with age at risk had 7 times greater occurrence of preeclampsia compared to age is not at risk. Pregnant women aged less than 20 years or more than 35 years are at high risk of experiencing preeclampsia. One of the efforts to prevent the occurrence of preeclampsia is through health promotion about the age of mothers who are safe to reproduce. It is expected that health workers, especially maternity nurses, can provide health services to the public regarding the ideal age for pregnancy or childbirth as well as the age at risk of preeclampsia.


Keywords: Indonesia, Maternal age pregnancies, Preeclampsia

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