Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Spiritual Guided Imagery, Music on Coping and Resilience among Cancer Patients who Undergo Chemotherapy


Cancer diagnosis and chemotherapy cause physical, psychological, social, and spiritual problems for sufferers. Cancer patients who experience emotional distress need to be appropriately managed through good coping mechanisms. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation, spiritual guided imagery and music for coping and resilience of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. This study was a quasi-experimental design. A total of 62 respondents (intervention and control groups) were determined using a purposive sampling technique. The independent variable was Progressive Muscle Relaxation therapy with Spiritual Guided Imagery and Music. Meanwhile, the dependent variable was coping and resilience. The instrument used The-14 items Resilience Scale and The Cancer Coping Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the General Linear Model Repeated Measures. The results showed that coping mechanisms improved in the first week, while resilience was only developed in the second week after being given the intervention. The results of statistical tests are less than a p-value <0.05. In general, there were significant differences in the effect of coping scores and resilience between the treatment group and the control group after being given therapy. The combination of Progressive Muscle Relaxation therapy with Spiritual Guided Imagery and Music can improve coping and resilience in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. The government and health workers are expected to consider these findings that can be used as interventions to enhance coping and resilience.


Keywords: coping, resilience, cancer, chemotherapy

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