The Role of Teacher Educational Training Programs in Reducing the Risk of Bullying in the Integrated Islamic Elementary School in Bengkulu


There is, according to the Indonesia Child Protection Commission, a problem with bullying in the top level of public schools. Bullying is an act of violence which is done intentionally or unintentionally by a person or group of people who have the power or desire to commit violence to others. This study seeks to determine the effect of education training for teachers on reducing the risk of bullying in an integrated Islamic elementary school in Bengkulu city. It was a quasi-experimental pre-post test with the control group. The sample was 50 teachers (intervention and control groups), using a consecutive sampling technique, with data collected via a questionnaire to measure each teacher’s knowledge and skill. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon and Man Whitney test for group teachers. The Wilcoxon statistical test of ρ value = 0.010 (ρ <0.05). Mann Whitney test of knowledge and skills with a value of ρ = 0.0001 (ρ <0.05). There were differences in teachers’ knowledge and skill before and after training. There were differences in knowledge and skill between the intervention and the control groups of teachers. However, this study could identify no significant difference in the risk of student bullying score after the teachers implemented their new knowledge for at least two weeks.


Keywords: training, bullying, elementary school

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