Usage of Enzymes of Algae-macrophytes Antioxidant System for Monitoring Water Pollution By Oil Products


Macrophyte algae are perspective indicator species for assessing the environmental impact of pollutants. One of the ways to estimate the negative impact is to change the activity of enzymes of the antioxidant system. The possibility of using hydrogen peroxide, catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) is analyzed in the research for assessing the anthropogenic load on algae macrophytes of different systematic groups: Palmaria palmata (L.) O. Kuntze; Fucus vesiculosus L., Ulvaria obscura (Kützing) Gayral ex Bliding. The natural level of enzymes (in July) and its change under the influence of oil products (diesel fuel) on algae growing in the Barents sea were measured. It is shown that under natural conditions the content of hydrogen peroxide and catalase activity decrease in the series U. obscura < P. palmata < F. vesiculosus; the activity of SOD decreases in the series P. palmata < U. obscura < F. vesiculosus. When diesel fuel is introduced into the habitat of algae, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the cells of U. obscura and P. palmata decreases and in F. vesiculosus-increases. Catalase activity in P. palmata and U. obscura increases and catalase activity is not various in F. vesiculosus. The activity of SOD in the prototypes of G. obscura and P. palmata decreases and it remains unchanged in F. vesiculosus. It is shown that the enzyme complex Ulvaria obscura can be used to assess the impact of diesel fuel and only SOD can be used in P. palmata. No reaction of SOD and CAT to the presence of petroleum products was detected in F. vesiculosus.

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