Use of Echinoderms and Marine and Terrestrial Plant Materials in the Technology of Mayonnaise Sauce


Sea urchin caviar is a valuable product, as well as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for cancer, it removes radionuclides from the body, increases the body’s resistance to various types of infections, with physical and mental fatigue, under stress. In addition to the above mentioned aspects, the ingestion of sea urchin caviar helps to increase the human body’s resistance to adverse and harmful environmental factors, and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and thyroid function. The gonads of sea urchins contain a set of all amino acids not synthesized by the human body, moreover, in a ratio close to the composition of the “ideal protein”. The technology for manufacturing a new mayonnaise sauce using such valuable ingredients as sea urchin caviar, kelp, and nettle has been scientifically substantiated and created. A prescription composition of a new product has been developed; samples of mayonnaise sauce were made and their study during storage was carried out. The implementation of such a technology will allow not only rational use of stocks of marine non-fish raw materials and plants, but also expand the range and properties of functional products.

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