Overview of the Russian Legal Framework in the Sphere of "Green" Building


The article deals with a brief overview of the main laws, national standards, regulatory and technical documents that regulate legal relations in the field of ”green” building in Russia. The key features of the existing legislative framework regulating environmental aspects in construction are identified and the factors limiting the introduction of ”green” building in the construction sector are considered. The tendency of normative documents development in the field of environmental protection taking into account scientific and technical achievements and requirements of international rules and standards is noted. The paper provides a schematic description of the relations regulation and the establishment of mandatory requirements in the construction industry. There are also documents showing the requirements can be mandatory or voluntary. The authors consider the standards that provide a comprehensive analysis of all constructing systems from the standpoint of sustainability. The normative and technical documents describe a set of principles, categories, evaluation criteria, indicators, recommended indicators and environmental requirements for real estate. In conclusion, the lack of uniform, updated and a complete regulatory framework for technical regulation in the field of green building and the necessity to stimulate economic entities in the sphere of construction and real estate at the state level with a view to enhancing the practice of green building.

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