Research of the Nutritional Value of Combined Fish Pastes for Functional Food


The article deals with the assessment of the nutritional value of fish products based on minced fish, which is becoming more common at present. Thus, the Japanese industry produces more than 1 million tons of products of six hundred items based on minced fish and mashed potatoes. Analysis of production experience shows that in recent years, products made from minced meat, imitating seafood specialties, have been the most popular. In various studies conducted by various authors on the use of fish as a food product, there is no information on recipes that allow the use of most pelagic fish in the dietary diet. To address these issues, it is necessary to investigate the influence of culinary and technological methods on the chemical composition, structural and mechanical properties of fish, and the taste of the finished product. It is known that the chemical composition of fish is subject to considerable fluctuations and significantly affects the choice of recipes and the method of culinary processing. Presented in the literature, the averaged data of various researchers on the chemical composition of fish of mass fishing that are promising for dietary nutrition require clarification for different functional food groups.

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