An Implementation of Lean-ergonomic Approach to Reduce Ergonomic Parameter Waste in the Manufacture of Crackers


"Subur crackers company" in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, is a manufacturer of crackers that operate conventionally. Various manual processes were employed to produce chips using several tools. The research objectives was to identify the ergonomic waste in the production process of crackers making. Ergo waste in the company was assessed based on working posture using Ovako Working Assessment System (OWAS) methods. The research indicated that the entire workstation have ergo waste. It was difficult to reduce ergo waste due to fixed design of most equipment and workplace environment. The process of cooking, kneading, molding dough, steaming and drying required more attentions on implementation of lean-ergonomic approach.

Keywords: Crackers, Lean-ergonomics, Ergo waste

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