Effect of Drying Method on Proximate Content, Physical Properties and Antioxidant Activities of Powder Gading, Manggala, and Lumut Snake Fruit Kernel


Sun drying is usually used during drying  snake fruit kernel powder processing before roasting. However, powder productions become hampered during raining season due to its highly weatherdepended. Cabinet drying can possibly be feasible alternative. The aim of research was to compare and describe the effect of sun drying and cabinet drying on proximate content, physical properties, and antioxidant activity of snake fruit kernel powder from Gading, Pondoh Manggala, and Pondoh Lumut varieties.  Each of snake fruit kernel from Gading, Pondoh Manggala, and Pondoh Lumut, was divided and dried under two conditions, i.e. 3 days sun drying and cabinet drying at a temperaure of 60°C for 18 hours. Then dried kernel  was roasted at a temperature of 180°C for 30 minutes, grinded, sifted using 40 mesh sieve to obtain snake fruit kernel  powder. Samples were analyzed for their proximate content, solubility, total soluble solid and antioxidant activity.  Results of the study showed that there was no significant difference among variables: chemical composition and solubility, but antioxidant activity and total soluble solid were significantly different. Total soluble solid of cabinet-dried snake fruit kernel powder was more higher than that of sun-dried, however antioxidant activity was more lower.   

Keywords: cabinet drying, kernel powder, snake fruit,  sun drying, variety 

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